You Can Be An Angel

Monday, July 09, 2007

A Further Update

Thank you so much for all the cards, letters, photos and anecdotes. It is obviously a great comfort to us all to have your loving support. Friends Roger and Michele have just returned from Tibet where, at 3500m, flags are now flying on behalf of Becca and all her angels. Long may they flutter!

We gave Becca a 'theatrical' send off on 5th June - and it was a beautiful day.We worked hard to avoid sentiment as Becca had instructed. Elvis featured, together with Neil Diamond and 'The Sound of Music' - with a bit of jiving and lots of sunflowers and bright colours. It was not easy, but we performed with a degree of flair worthy of a true BAPA!

And now we are focusing on the various projects which will carry forward Becca's great energy and her enthusiasm for life.

Kev has his canvas in place - and is beginning his series of 'Becca's Angels'. More news later! Kev is also part of a band. Becca's clarinet playing featured on a track on their last album. The studio has recordings of her improvisations - and so they are to incorporate her into their future work:

Plans are being made for a special area of peace to be created in Stara Woods. When once the rain stops we hope to hold small working parties - and plant unusual ferns, creating patterns over the rock face which overlooks the river. We are also hoping to create a 'trail of smiles' - carved in wood - either in the ground like small totems or hanging in trees. If you know of anyone who would like to add carvings then please let us know. Watch out for dates of any working parties!

Our 'educational project' is beginning to look very exciting. The Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro has just established a unit to specialise in melanoma. Cornwall is being recognised as a high incidence area for skin cancer and a new medical team has been appointed. We have already begun a series of meetings with them.

Donna (ex Middlesex University) and Becca's theatre partner, is leading the creation of two DVDs - one aimed at primary children, and the second for teenagers and adults. We aim to use Becca's story to try to make people more aware of the danger which lies in the sun. Again, if you have any information - or know of any useful material out there - then please let us know.

Sam (and a couple of friends from Bristol) have entered The Great South Run in October and are raising money for CANCERactive. If you do know of others who are struggling against cancer - then we do suggest that you use

Already several of you have offered to sponsor Sam - so we'll give out more details later. We have at least one Angel running in next year's London Marathon on behalf of Macmillan Nurses - great!

Bet promised Becca that she would finish off all the knitting projects! That should keep her occupied for a year or two! And we know that there are other ways in which Becca's energy is being put to positive use. Bless you all! Thank you once again!
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