You Can Be An Angel

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Some Good News, Some Less Good

Received from Peter today;

"In this situation, even a discussion about Becca's 'three' brain tumours can offer a degree of consolation. Her oncologist 'phoned her last week with the results of the scan performed on 14th December. The results had been promised before Christmas - but there was the usual silence (all too easily interpreted as 'they aren't telling me because it's so bad!').

It appears that the site of the original tumour (removed by surgery August 05) still shows signs of disease - but there is no new growth. The second tumour treated by radiotherapy in October 05 show no further growth - and is possibly smaller. The third which arrived early in 2006 (and was treated with such drastic consequences causing sever haemorrhaging in July and August) remains very small and the site has now settled.

She doesn't have any severe headaches and her vision is back to how it was a year ago. She does have an area which is blank - but she reads, enjoys Elvis films and of course deals with rather complex knitting patterns.

The nodules (rather like cysts) - now about 40 - continue to sprout up over her body. The largest are about 2-3 cm and can initially bruise and be very sore. The smaller ones lie just below the skin. These cause no pain but are a constant reminder that the cancer continues to spread.

Her main concern is that she now feels very tired. She began her new regime on the 8th December with quite a good level of energy. However since then she is finding everything to be hard work. As energy fails it becomes increasingly difficult to stay positive. She has been fighting this battle for 18 months!

Dr Callebout does keep up his enthusiasm. We are to continue with the present routine for a few more weeks, and having blood tests to try to pin down the tiredness. And then he has 'more ideas'! We just have to keep going!

Thank you to all our angels. New ones continue to 'appear' - and we continue to be very grateful! To have so many people helping is such a great support - in all ways"

I think now would be a good time to send money, humourous cards, money, messages of support, money, mix CDs of tunes that makes you think of Bob/Becca, money, anything to keep her spirits up! Oh, and money, keep sending money!


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