You Can Be An Angel

Monday, November 20, 2006

Progress Report

Update on Becca/Bob's progress as of November 19th, from her dad, Peter;

"For two weeks following her visit to see her oncologist on 30th October, Becca found the going very tough. She really felt that she had failed and was letting us all down. Her head was spinning and her vision weak; the tumours on her skin continued to multiply; she was finding it very difficult to sleep; her energy levels sank and she seemed to be close to the point of giving up the fight.

But yet again she has regained her sparkle. In the past few days several things have happened to enable her to begin to laugh once more. She managed to complete Kev's sweater (an early Christmas present just in case she didn't make it through to December) and it looks good. Initially at least. As she can't see very well it will probably soon begin to have a rather loose 'imaginative' shape - but he is very tactful and will wear it for ever! (see photo in the post beneath this one)

She enjoyed the attention given her by the Chinese Medical Centre here in Bodmin - acupuncture proved an interesting diversion. But the most important event was a telephone conversation with Dr Callebout. Without any shadow of hesitation or doubt he told her that together they would continue to fight the battle. He would devise a new programme - the effort was to be taken up several leagues! The change in Becca following that call was tremendous. We were back on track!

Since then she has slept again and has found energy. Today the pair of them (Becca & Kev) have driven down to Cadgwith Cove on The Lizard. They are hoping to spend several days in this tiny cottage directly peering out over the sea wall. And the weather looks suitably dramatic!

We must thank the ever growing band of 'Becca's Angels' - for with your help the financial burden of whatever Dr Callebout is about to prescribe has been lifted. And it isn't just the financial aspect which has proved so important to us all. We have all felt, especially Becca and Kev, that we are now surrounded by love and concern. So many of you have made contact with Becca and Kev; so many of you continue to make such generous contributions and find such imaginative ways to raise money; and we do so much appreciate the care you show to us all.
Thanks! Peter xx"


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