You Can Be An Angel

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Medical Report – Always Bad News?

Received this morning from Becca's Dad, Peter.

"We expect it and we get it. No matter how we prepare ourselves the bloody cancer always finds a way to shock. Becca had an appointment this afternoon (30th October) with her oncologist (What a dreadful word!) and Bet and I waited for the 'phone call with heavy hearts. Becca was expecting to find that the "shadows" on her lung had grown and that would explain her breathlessness of late. The lungs are fine.

Ah the barb? The original tumour (the one removed in August 2005) is growing again. That's it then? The end of the line? Her oncologist thinks so – but then they always have told her that she would die "within months" – so nothing new there! And so Becca and Kev struggle home once more and try to build up their positivity once again.

We are getting quite good at this. On the morning of August 1st we were all gathered around Becca’s cot in A & E at Derriford Hospital. After a weekend where Becca had suffered from dreadful headaches (and a series of delayed and futile visits from local doctors) we had eventually called the emergency services. Becca had now suffered a major seizure and was rushed into hospital.

Within an hour they had scanned her head and discovered major internal bleeding within the brain. We were told that she was in a coma and that she was dying. However she decided not to go with "the death rabbit" (part of her "dream") and within hours she was back with us. Within days she was home and more determined than ever to rid herself of her tumours.

She was initially very weak and her sight had become even more restricted and weird. She was on a high dosage of steroids (much to her chagrin!) and her head continued to feel fragile and liable to "explode". Just to compound her frustration, she came to realise that her "death" was a direct result of the latest bout of stereotactic radiotherapy. Melanoma and radio waves do not mix – a fact recognised way back over twenty years ago.

So that strand of treatment proves useless! There is nothing now that the NHS can offer. Oh the breathlessness? Probably a side-effect of the steroids!

And tonight Becca returns to her programme of natural therapy with a somewhat dented, but still functioning determination. She fights on."

Just to re-iterate, the natural therapy that Bob is taking costs about £3k a month and is not paid for by the NHS. If you can assist with paying for the treatment - no matter how little a month - then please contact me via this blog or via my main blog.

Remember, if you contribute £2 a week/£10 a month, it's nearly costing your bank that much in processing time. Go on, do it! It'll irritate them! And what's more fun than irritating a bank?


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